7 Kitchen Hacks to Keep Your Kitchen Clean While Cooking

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When you’re in the kitchen cooking, there are so many things that need to be done at once. You may have enough time to prepare a meal for your family, but you probably don’t have that much time to clean up afterward. It can seem like everything is constantly a mess and this is especially true if you are in the kitchen a lot. Many people will find it hard to cope with the mess and think of ways they can keep the kitchen clean while cooking. Here are some great tricks on how to keep your kitchen clean while cooking:

Keep a clutter-free zone during cooking time

If there are things on the counter all the time, it will be very hard to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. Cleaning up after cooking is a pain, and having to put things away every time you want to use them is even worse. While you’re cooking, try to keep a clutter-free zone so you don’t have to sort through a mess after you’re done. If you’re in the mood to bake, then keep your ingredients in the cabinet instead of on the countertop. Once you finish cooking, keep the stovetop tidy and wipe any spills off the counter. This way, you’ll be able to keep a cleaner kitchen while you’re cooking.

Use your dishwasher more

Many people don’t realize how effective a dishwasher can be. Not only does it save time, but it also saves a lot of effort, especially for pots and pans with baked-on food which is hard to clean manually. Spills are bound to happen in the kitchen, and when they do, instead of wasting time trying to get them off the counter, put them in the dishwasher. You can also put the dishes from your last meal in the dishwasher. This way, you won’t have to manually clean the dishes that have already been used. If you’re concerned about the cleanliness of your dishes, make sure to run the dishwasher on a hot wash cycle so that it can kill germs. Dishwashers can hold a lot of dishes, so you won’t have to worry about manually cleaning them. Dishwashers also use less water and energy than washing dishes by hand.

Have designated cleaning times in your weekly schedule

There are certain tasks you can do while you’re cooking, like cleaning the countertop or taking out the trash. However, there are other tasks that you should schedule for a specific time. For example, mopping the floor, cleaning the bathroom, and doing the dishes. These can be messy and hard to do when you’re in the kitchen cooking. So, schedule these tasks for a specific time every week. This way, cleaning will become less daunting and you’ll be more likely to get things done. You can also set aside one day every week to do a deep clean of your home, including the kitchen. This way, you won’t have to worry about manually cleaning the kitchen on a daily basis. You can just do the deep clean one day a week and have the rest of the week off.

Use natural cleaners to keep your kitchen spotless while you cook

There are a lot of cleaning products that are being advertised as kitchen cleaners. They claim to be the best way to keep your kitchen clean, but they might not be as safe as you think. Kitchen cleaners can contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous if they end up in food. They can also leave a strong odor that is hard to get rid of. Instead of purchasing commercial cleaners, use what nature has to offer. For example, baking soda can be used as an effective scouring agent. It is inexpensive, safe, and easy to find. Vinegar can also be used to clean the kitchen and kill germs. It is a multipurpose cleaner that you should have in your kitchen.

Put up hooks and use cord holders to keep things off the counter while you’re cooking

If you’re in the kitchen a lot, you’re bound to have a lot of stuff on the countertop. There are a couple of ways you can keep these items off the counter. The best way is to put up hooks. You can put them on the wall behind the counter so that you can keep items like dishes, spoons, and knives off the countertop. You can also put up hooks on the cabinet doors so that you can keep plates and cups inside. Cord holders are another great way to keep things off the countertop. They are essentially hooks that you can use to keep cords and wires off the countertop. You can use them to hold things like the electric blender, food processor, toaster, etc.

Utilize wall space with a magnetic knife holder and a metal grid rack for keeping small kitchen tools accessible while you cook

If you have wall space, you can use it to keep small kitchen tools, like spoons, spatulas, whisks, and serving spoons. These tools can be very useful while you’re cooking, but they’re very easy to lose when you’re in a hurry. If you keep these tools on the wall, they’ll be easily accessible when you need them. Another useful tool that you can keep on the wall is a magnetic knife holder. Knives are very useful in the kitchen, but they can be dangerous if they’re not kept in a safe place. A magnetic knife holder is a safe place where you can keep your knives while they’re not in use.

Using aluminum foil instead of parchment paper to help keep your kitchen clean while cooking

Parchment paper is commonly used in baking and cooking to protect the inside of the oven from food splatters and liquids. While it does this job well, it can be hard to clean. Parchment paper can be a pain to scrape off and can sometimes leave a mess. If you don’t want to deal with the mess that comes with using parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil instead. It is just as good as parchment paper, but it’s easier to clean. All you have to do is throw the foil away after you’re done. It’s much easier to clean up after compared to parchment paper.


Keeping your kitchen clean while cooking can be a challenge if you don’t have the right tools. The kitchen is a hub for bacteria and germs and the last thing you want is to transfer those bacteria and germs to your food. That’s why it’s important to keep your kitchen clean while cooking. This can be done with the help of the hacks provided above.

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